Wyatt’s Haircut for a Cause

Thursday, May 24th was a big day in the Skillen home. Wyatt, after going fifteen months without a haircut, walked into Purify Salon in Elizabethtown, PA and had about eight inches of hair cut. The transformation was simply remarkable to watch–but it wasn’t just a visual transformation Rebekah and I witnessed. Our boy is growing up right before our eyes and it was apparent on Thursday.

As Wyatt began avoiding haircuts we thought we were entering another “phase” in Wyatt’s life. But what may have started as a phase became a mission when about nine months after his last haircut a young girl Wyatt’s age, Sophia, lost a brave and courageous battle with brain cancer.

Sophia and Wyatt first met when they were very young. Sophia’s mom and Rebekah both attended the same support group for new mothers. Her passing was very difficult for so many involved, and several people close to Sophia’s family sprang to action in the most wonderful and beautiful ways. Moms from the original support group, for instance, signed up to serve meals at the Ronald McDonald house in Hershey, PA–the organization that supports families like Sophia’s who need to remain close to loved ones in the hospital.

Rebekah and I didn’t know how Wyatt would mourn, but we knew he would likely find his own call to action, and he did through the Pantene Beautiful Lengths program.

Here is Wyatt’s story.


2 Replies to “Wyatt’s Haircut for a Cause”

  1. Gahhhh! They are so big now! I didn’t realize how long it has been since I’ve seen you guys, but judging by his hair it’s been a while. So proud but not surprised by Wyatt’s selflessness and kindness. Give everyone my best. Hit me up when you are in DC!

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